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SSR with Astro - Part 2, Setup


Initial Boilerplate

Create your first Astro project:

$ npm create astro@latest

You’ll find Hueston (Astro’s Cli) helping you out. Choose the recommended skeleton, choose whether you’ll use TypeScript or not (choose strict if so), and install dependencies.

You’ll have something like:

  • src: for project source code (components, pages, styles, etc.)
  • public: for non-code, unprocessed assets (fonts, icons, etc.)
  • package.json
  • astro.config.mjs: Astro configuration file.
  • …etc

UI framework and SSR adapter

Now we’ll install Vuejs with Astro’s Cli:

$ npx astro add vue node

It’ll add Vuejs integration, so we can use Vuejs and .vue files, the Nodejs integration is to serve the SSR website.

// astro.config.mjs
export default defineConfig({
  // ................
  integrations: [vue()],
  output: "hybrid",
  adapter: node({
    mode: "standalone",
  // ....................

We need to choose our output strategey and adapter mode:

  • output: choose hyprid if the most of your website content is static, choose server if most of it is dynamic
  • adapter mode: we’ll choose standalone to ease our development, and it helps us to seperate our backend and frontend, so both can scale seperately, it’s not a must still.

In the src file, we’ll have three main files inside it:

  • components: contains Astro & Vuejs components (common convention, not required).
  • layouts: define the UI structure shared by one or more pages. (common convention, not required)
  • pages: A special folder that defines your website pages and routes (required)


Usually I use SCSS for styling, you only need to install:

$ npm install sass

Then declare the style language in your Astro component:

<style lang="scss"></style>

If you’re using Tailwind, check Astro’s integeration. All you need to start is:

$ npx astro add tailwind
